DION INITIATIVE / Stop Bullying AZ Accomplishments
Mrs. Stanton honored with the Horace Steele Child Advocacy Award from Children's Action Network.
Assembled 22 volunteer cabinet members who donated time, resources and money.
Responded to hundreds of questions, concerns, and calls for help or requests to volunteer via StopBullyingAZ.org.
Organized a press conference at Phoenix Children’s Hospital to announce the result of an Adverse Childhood Experiences study under grant with the Centers for Disease Control and including question and answer with panelists Charles Flanagan, Director, Arizona Child Safety & Family Services, Will Humble, Director, Arizona Department Health Services, Dr. Timothy L. Ogle, Executive Director of the Arizona School Board Association, and Dr. Delphis Richardson, Vice President of the Arizona Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Produced a question and answer panel discussion for parents about bullying prevention hosted by the Arizona Science Center.
Established a relationship with First Lady of Nevada Kathleen Sandoval regarding future collaborations with Nevada on anti-bullying initiatives.
Established a relationship with R&R Partners foundation for future assistance to deliver messaging and programming around their Flip the Script anti-bullying program and to possibly deploy the program in Arizona with measurement so that it can become evidence based.
Organized annual field trip event with Phoenix Mercury, Phoenix Suns and KAET at Wells Fargo Arena including entertainment and bullying prevention programming for thousands of elementary and middle school age children. Designed compelling messaging for t-shirts and identified underwriters associated costs as well as other take-aways that were hugely popular with the children.
Produced the first-ever Anti-Bullying Summit in Arizona at A.S.U. attended by more than 300 educators, health service providers, administrators, school board members, and lawmakers that included a keynote presentation by Dr. Dan Olweus and underwritten by PetSmart, ASU and the Cartoon Network. The one-day Summit included break out sessions and networking.
Provided on-the-ground advocacy at the State Legislature to introduce anti-bullying legislation in the 2012 legislative session. When the bill failed to make it to the floor SBAZ organized a vigil at the state capitol with speakers and a performance program that garnered much media attention and nearly 200 attendees. The bill would have strengthened or closed gaps in anti-bullying laws in the State. Senator Katie Hobbs (D-24) sponsored the bill and it did not make it to bi-partisan discussion but was unceremoniously killed by Senate leadership by double assigning it to two subcommittees, a tactic used by lawmakers to ensure that a bill dies and does not move forward. The failure of that bill opened the door for many of the collaborations and programs we are developing now.
Promoted and provided advocacy for Horizon High Schools’ official kick off in celebration of being one of the first high schools in Arizona to adopt the Olweus method.
Provided advocacy and keynote address for a special event by the Morrison Institute that studied bullying in Arizona.
Staffed and promoted a telephone bank event in collaboration with Univision on bullying prevention and resources to the Latino community.
Received in-kind donation from On Media for free advertising in Playbill programs for spring and fall seasons.
Working with Arizona State Fair to produce bullying prevention day at the Fair on October 18, 2014 with materials underwritten by Cartoon Network and other providers.
Collaborating with Faber-Castell for a university research project to measure the impact of creativity on underserved children with regard to combating adverse childhood experiences. To our knowledge no such university study has ever been conducted.
Generated more than 100 positive news stories about Stop Bullying AZ and Ms. Stanton’s efforts to combat bullying in Arizona.
Provided key note or introductory speeches for events by Arthritis Foundation, Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center, Arizona Anti-Defamation League, Flagstaff Unified School District, Florence School District, Nick Lowery Foundation, One-Community, Girl Scouts, Phoenix Mercury and many others.
Coordinated video production and other media assets for the 2013 Testival Phoenix event that focused on bullying prevention. We staffed, cast and directed the video presentation that saturated social media.
Creating Safe Environments - Advocacy, Prevention, and Support for Children in Arizona (Eight, Arizona PBS) – we emceed the event and led breakout session on strategic partnerships.
Together We Can Make a Difference/SAVORLife event to benefit Aunt Rita's Foundation. Presented about Stop Bullying AZ’s initiatives.
Anti-Bullying Presentation to International School of Arizona
Bullying & Autism: What We Know & What We Can Do About It (SARRC) – speaker and publicity sponsorship